Our compassionate Care Team member, Maddie Mondshine, is jetting off on an exciting adventure and we want to wish her a buon viaggio!
From the world traveler herself: “I’ve enjoyed being on the Eterneva Diamond Journey and getting to be part of such a meaningful experience with everyone.” As Maddie charts her course to live out her true purpose of pursuing art and adventure, we sat down with her for a Q&A session to learn about her future plans and how Eterneva has impacted her.

Q: Word around the virtual water cooler is that you’re moving forward from Eterneva to pursue your dreams. Can you tell us where you’re being swept off to?
A: I’ve always wanted to live in another country. After graduating from college, I went to Italy for a while and traveled Europe. Since then, I’ve been taking steps to move there, saving and planning for when the time feels right. I’ll be taking Italian lessons for twenty hours a week and hope to be making art during that time. For a month following my last day of school, I’ve enrolled in an artist residency in a village two hours outside of Rome, tucked away in the mountains.
Q: What are you most looking forward to regarding this new adventure?
A: All of it! Making art, traveling, meeting new people. Honestly, I’m pretty introverted, so I’m really going to have to put myself out there to make friends, but it will be good for me.

Q: What has been one of your key takeaways from your experience with Eterneva?
A: Being there for people who have lost a loved one has given me a greater sense of urgency with all these things I want to do and accomplish. This is my life. I’m in it now. Right now. Always. There’s no later.

Q: What advice do you want to share with people on the Diamond Journey?
A: Try to take it easy as much as you can. Be lighter. Even though I know there are lots of moments in life that hit heavy and can make it difficult. I lost my grandma while working here. She was a world traveler and she just…exuded this positivity and lived in the present. I think about her all the time and I know she would be really thrilled and happy for me. She was always working on herself, never making excuses, and she didn’t take life too seriously.
We’ll miss you, Maddie! Thank you for being such an incredible part of this team, and we can’t wait to see the stunning masterpieces you create!
Follow Maddie's journey on her Instagram ✶⭒