Hey Molly, my little spotted cow. My travel companion. My good girl. Our song just played. Best Friend by Harry Nilsson. It’s been a while since I’ve heard it, but I’m really glad I did, today of all days, because I received another update from Eterneva about your Diamond.

It’s going to be breathtaking, I just know it.
Today’s milestone meant I finally got to see your rough stone. And it’s you, Molly. I can see your silly smile, your playfulness. I can practically feel your warmth exuding from it, and I haven’t even gotten to hold it yet! These updates always seem to come on days I need them most, whenever I’m missing you. Which is every day. But, as I’m sure you understand, some days are harder than others.
So, today I heard our song and I saw your rough stone, and, well, you know me and my signs. I’m always on the lookout for them, because they let me know that everything is going to be okay, like when you passed. After we said our tearful goodbyes at the emergency clinic, and you were wrapped in that burgundy blanket, I was so scared. You’ve always been so dependent on Sonnel and me—especially me, let’s be honest—and I worried for your soul. Would you find your way to where you needed to go, I wondered. And so, it was around 3 a.m. when we were trudging up the stairs to our apartment when Sonnel told me to stop. I turned and looked down to where he was pointing. Tied snug around my ankle was a little burgundy thread from your blanket. Surreal yet comforting, that was the sign I needed to know that you had found your way.

Some time after we received your diagnosis, I knew that when the time came, I wanted to do something special for you. Beyond special. Extraordinary. Because you were that not only for me, but for our whole family. I love thinking back to when I first brought you home and Dad thought you would grow up to be a guard dog at his body shop. He couldn’t have been more mistaken. You were a total family dog. Mom even called you her granddaughter and we celebrated your birthday the same as we would any human family member. October 10. How about that, Molly? You’re a 10 out of 10.
When I discovered Eterneva, I knew that growing a memorial diamond for you was absolutely the right thing to do. Along with a small portion of your ashes, we included a piece of each of your favorite things: your collar, your blue dinosaur, your Miami Dolphins jersey, and your bandana. Since everything happened to be blue, what better color for your Diamond?

Now that your Diamond is grown, it will move on to cutting. I’m having it shaped into a radiant cut—my dream cut. It’s simple yet elegant, and as timeless as my love for you. I know your finished Diamond is going to be absolutely beautiful, and having you inside of it is going to make it extra special.
Your Diamond will be home in just a few weeks, and while I’m feeling excited to see it now, I’ll admit, there was a time when I was a bit apprehensive. What if they mixed up your ashes? Still, I felt confident in the research I had done about Eterneva and I sent in your materials along with a Post-It note, simply thanking whoever was caring for you, and you know what? They sent me a video back showing me the Post-It note! That was peace of mind for sure!

I’m already loving the conversations that this journey has opened up about you. I can only imagine how incredible it’s going to be when I actually have your Diamond to show off and share what a sweet, wonderful, loving (totally spoiled haha) companion you were—and will always be. Talking about you keeps your memory alive and that’s honestly the best thing about this process.
Wherever it is all the best dogs go, I take solace in the fact that you’re no longer in pain. You’re at peace, you’re playing, and you’re showing all the new pets the ropes. I can just see you prancing around, being the captain, greeting everyone and teaching them how to defluff toys.
I’ll see you again, my sweet girl. Until then, I just want you to know that I cherish every moment you gave to me and my family, and I’m counting the days until your Diamond comes home.
Love always,
Mom 🐾